Problem Description
When the playback rate of a sound is lowered, the "Is Any Playing" and "Is Tag Playing" conditions of the Audio object return false while the audio is still playing.
Description of Capx
There are two buttons: one plays a tone at 1x speed, the other at 0.5x. The text reflects whether the audio is playing or not. Try playing the tone at 0.5x and you will observe that the text says "Not Playing" while the tone is still clearly playing.
Steps to Reproduce Bug
- Step 1: Create an action that plays a sound.
- Step 2: Follow with an action that lowers the sound's playback rate.
- Step 3: Create a condition that tests whether the sound is playing.
- Step 4: Set a Text object to "Playing" when the sound is playing, and "Not Playing" when it isn't.
Observed Result
Text switches to "Not Playing" before the sound has completed.
Expected Result
Text should switch to "Not Playing" after the sound has finished playing. This should take into account playback rates varying as the sound is playing. Only once the sound has truly completed should the condition return false.
Affected Browsers
- Chrome: YES
- Firefox: YES
- Internet Explorer: Can't tell, sound is broken for me in IE11.
Operating System and Service Pack
Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1
Construct 2 Version ID