Grid Based PathFinding?

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  • is it just me or does that path finding behavior not support grid based movement?

    I have rotate set to false and Diagonals set to disabled but they still move smoothly and move Diagonally

    I want a 4 directional teleport like movement

  • make the the grid 25x25 and the cell size 25 from yousr pathfinding sprite and use the sprite solid between 25 size..

  • You could try this plugin:

    It probably can be used to do what you want.

    Or you could implement pathfinding in just events. Here's my latest attempt using a hex grid. It actually should work if you change the hexagons to squares and position them on a grid. You just need to tweak the collision polygon into a square with beveled corners so diagonal cells won't be used.

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  • make the the grid 25x25 and the cell size 25 from yousr pathfinding sprite and use the sprite solid between 25 size..

    I have tried this with 32x32 but it hasn't worked so far

    Edit:aslo what do you mean by make the grid 25x25 I don't see a grid plugin

    You could try this plugin:

    It probably can be used to do what you want.

    Or you could implement pathfinding in just events. Here's my latest attempt using a hex grid. It actually should work if you change the hexagons to squares and position them on a grid. You just need to tweak the collision polygon into a square with beveled corners so diagonal cells won't be used.

    I have looked into the astar plugin but I don't understand how it works

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