[Plugins/Behaviors] Rez Repo

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The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • great plugin, im experimenting with this pathfinder, with multiple agents, it already works but it keeps jamming and gives an error in chromeconsole

    its a bit hit and miss sometimes it crashes in first seconds, mostly under 30 seconds ( i have speed up the runs, but slow crashes too)

    someone any thought on the error, not sure if its the plugin or something else


    Great test! I've found a bug "board[cx2]" is undefined. I'll have a look into this. If you run it in firefox with firebug installed it catches the error.

  • great plugin, im experimenting with this pathfinder, with multiple agents, it already works but it keeps jamming and gives an error in chromeconsole

    its a bit hit and miss sometimes it crashes in first seconds, mostly under 30 seconds ( i have speed up the runs, but slow crashes too)

    someone any thought on the error, not sure if its the plugin or something else


    I found the bug which it seems I've already fixed in my local version so I'll upload soon as a new version...

  • > great plugin, im experimenting with this pathfinder, with multiple agents, it already works but it keeps jamming and gives an error in chromeconsole


    > its a bit hit and miss sometimes it crashes in first seconds, mostly under 30 seconds ( i have speed up the runs, but slow crashes too)


    > someone any thought on the error, not sure if its the plugin or something else


    > astartest

    I found the bug which it seems I've already fixed in my local version so I'll upload soon as a new version...

    Updated Astar/Pathfinder to 0.23, see first post.

  • Hey man! you make my day, it works silky smooth, yey! thanks for the update, i will post the example if i got everything sorted out, some things to work out still... thanx again for superb plugin!

  • ive made further testing, im now testing finer movement, works pretty good but there is one thing i dont understand, there is one block that they seem to ignore completely, you can probably tell by looking at example, im thinking maybe this is the first block or something?? i'm not sure

    ps: some blocks just get hit by the follow movement, but for one block this is not the case

    edit: its not the first instance, i tested it


  • Thanks for this. It's good you're testing I don't really have alot of free time so thanks. I will have a look into this soon. Can you try setting the blockers using position rather than objects and see if it works?

  • vtrix < make sure it tells you I've replied (see last post).

  • well it would be counterproductive if i need a system to create the blockers, i created them with the correct 64*64 snap to grid, so position seem to be all correctly snapped,

    i checked the position of the crossed block, (192, 320) this is correct

    ill give you the capx, so maybe you can check what could be wrong or do further testing, no hurry really, its a sideproject tho im looking for a dependable solution, and this one seems very close...


  • Hi!

    Please, correct my mistake. Does not work with the plugin 'Move To'


  • mix , its implemented wrong, it does work

    if you change block size, you must change cell size in plugin to match

    + you must add 1 to position every step


  • mix , its implemented wrong, it does work

    if you change block size, you must change cell size in plugin to match

    + you must add 1 to position every step


    Yay! Thanks vtrix!

    New behavior incoming!! An event system see plugin section!

  • Big Thanks! But, if not use 'On start of layout' does not work.

    Please see my new example

  • yeah there are certain rules you must follow, and multiple characters that go to target needs time to get it right, and can get complicated

  • Then I do not know how to do.

    Maybe author can help ?

    We need your help, stuck at this point.

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  • Then I do not know how to do.

    Maybe author can help ?

    We need your help, stuck at this point.

    Hi mix,

    Had a mess with your test and I'll upload later for you. Might be easier using families or just one enemy object and their object id's.

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