[Plugin] JavaScript (C2 and C3)

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  • Javascript Plugin v.0.7.0 is out!

    +C3 runtime support

    Use 3rd party js libraries (including JQuery), call javascript functions, access object properties and methods. Implement game objects, and algorithms in javascript.

    This plugin also enables you to organize the model and algorithmic parts of your game in javascript. Organize objects, classes, functions and arrays in a javascript file. Do loops, algorithms and other stuff – which Construct event sheets are not designed for – in a javascript. Only pass algorithm results and object values to Construct when needed.

    Include js script into your project and access objects, variables and functions from anywhere in a game.

    More about the plugin, downloads and examples — on plugin's promo page

  • newt Phacanu totoe irina

    The Construct 2 plugin version is released. See the top post to get the download link.

    In Construct 2 version conditions "Compare Function's Return value" and "Compare JS code Completion value" have reversed parameters order. I had to do that due to the differences between how Construct 2 and Construct 3 work.

    So instead of this:

    You'll have this:

  • Beautiful.

    Thank you sir.

  • valerypopoff O man this looks amazing, I'm guessing that the file structure has to stay the same?And it automatically just includes all files instead of just one?

  • Great news, some powerfull stuff you got there!!!


  • Not sure if I now what you mean. The file structure of what?

    If you mean the file structure of included javascript, then yes. You can include any valid script. Any valid scriptS, actually.

    Just put them into the "Script files" field like this:

    script1.js;script2.js (Only for Construct 2. In Construct 3 you put every script in a separate line)

    There's no multiline text fields in Construct 2 plugin properties, so you have to separate scripts with ;

    After the scripts are loaded, they are executed the same way it works when you add scripts to any webpage.

    valerypopoff O man this looks amazing, I'm guessing that the file structure has to stay the same?And it automatically just includes all files instead of just one?

  • Yea, that's what I meant, thanks! valerypopoff

  • Can you explain why the StoredReturnValue don't work?

    I test alot of JS codes, even simple ones and don't return any value, even if i specified.


    function  myFunction(#0,#1)  {  
    return  #0+#1;  
    Its  just  two  Global  Variables  in  construct  to  sum  and  return  the  result.  
    As  you  said  the  only  value  who  return  its  "0". 
  • I may be wrong but it really looks like you're not so good at javascript. If so, I would suggest you not to use this plugin. Can't think of a single scenario how you can benefit from using it if you don't know how to properly use javascript.

    Now I'm gonna explain why it doesn't work as you expected. But I strongly recommend you to read about javascript functions .

    It's not obvious from what you said but I'm guessing you're using Execute JS code action. If so and the Code parameter is

    function  myFunction(#0,#1)  {  
    return  #0+#1;  
    it  will  return  [b]undefined[/b].  StoredReturnValue  works.  It  just  returns  [b]undefined[/b].  And  in  Construct  you  see  it  as  0.  
    The  reason  it  returns  undefined  is  that  in  your  code  you  only  define  the  function  and  never  call  it.  A  function  definition  doesn't  return  anything.  Truth  to  be  told  this  is  not  even  a  proper  definition  you've  got  there.  The  action  will  simply  substitute  #0  and  #1  with  the  values  of  the  parameters  you  pass.  So  the  code  you're  trying  to  execute  is  something  like:  
    function  myFunction(7,12)  {  
    return  7+12;  
    and  if  you  preview  the  project  and  look  in  the  console  (always  look  in  the  console)  you'll  see  that  you're  getting  a  syntax  error  which  in  this  case  is  "Unexpected  number".  Because  you  can't  put  numbers  in  parenthesis  in  a  function  definition.  It  must  be  names  of  parameters.  
    So  what  you  should  have  done  is  to  define  a  function  first  and  then  call  it:  
    function  myFunction(a,  b)  {  
    return  a+b;  

    Can you explain why the StoredReturnValue don't work?

    I test alot of JS codes, even simple ones and don't return any value, even if i specified.


    function  myFunction(#0,#1)  {  
    return  #0+#1;  
    Its  just  two  Global  Variables  in  construct  to  sum  and  return  the  result.  
    As  you  said  the  only  value  who  return  its  "0".  
  • Oh! Thanks for the explanation! Sorry for bothering you.

    Now i got it.

    Kinda new in Javascript.... Cheers for you plugin.

    Have a nice day!

  • Thanks for this useful plugin

  • CS2 Plugin version is down dude.

  • CS2 Plugin version is down dude.

    Freaking dropbox! Fixed it, thanks

  • The new version of a plugin is out! Check it on plugin's promo page:

    https://readymag.com/valerypopoff/valer ... js-plugin/

    What's new:

    — Aliases: an easy mechanism to work with js-objects, its properties and methods

    — Plugin is now "Single global" which means you can only have one instance of a plugin in a project

    — Everything works faster because functions and aliases aren't implemented with eval( ) anymore

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This is awesome! Exactly what I was looking for. Ill definitely be using this

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