"Search forums" field unclickable for long names

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  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3594143/yal.cc/14-02/cap/c2search.png" border="0" />

    Self-descriptive: if your nickname is too long (like mine), two problems appear:

    1. Nickname gets cut off, breaking the visuals.

    2. Small arrow overflows to the next line, making "Forums" and "New posts" buttons semi-unclickable (since username DIV becomes larger), and leaving you only few pixels to click on the search field.

  • For reference, the issue with arrow overflowing is still intact after forum upgrade. Except there's no search field that it covers now.

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  • For reference, the issue with arrow overflowing is still intact after forum upgrade. Except there's no search field that it covers now.

    Can you post a picture of How it looks now?

  • > For reference, the issue with arrow overflowing is still intact after forum upgrade. Except there's no search field that it covers now.


    Can you post a picture of How it looks now?

    Like this:

    Now, instead of obscuring the search field, it moves all navigation elements downwards by a single row.

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