Want to return to Windows 10 back...

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  • Hi, since the last week, my PC was "bricked" (maybe it's my fault after downloading too much useless apps, games and files... )

    But when I see that little Get Windows 10 icon on my taskbar, I'm really miss Windows 10, but I'm more miss Windows 8.1 than that.

    Here what I got in Windows 10 in the past

    • A nice, new Start Menu
    • A nice new browser, Microsoft Edge
    • The latest incarnation of my favorite apps and games: Google, Twitter and Crossy Road (Facebook still don't have a Windows 10 incarnation yet...)
    • New apps: Candy Crush Saga
    • A little bug: Alpha transparency error on some PNG files, have anybody experience this?

    Well, should I upgrade back, or not?

  • I am on windows 10, i didn't know you can use apps like candy crush saga :p

    But if its in PC rather than smartphone, shouldn't you be using browsers like google chrome

    to play games or go facebook?

  • Specifically for Construct 2 users, I'd recommend moving to Windows 10, if only because it allows for testing on Microsoft Edge. Otherwise you can only test in IE, which is missing several important features (e.g. Web Audio API).

    When doing major Windows updates, although the upgrade process can work OK, I tend to just backup, format and reinstall from scratch anyway. It tends to be more reliable and it's a good excuse to clean all the cruft out of your system, so it tends to be faster and have more free space.

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  • Ashley - Thanks for the info and advice, I've upgraded back to Windows 10 yesterday.

    foxrain4 - Do you visit the Windows Store? Find it on the Start menu. Unfortunately, many iOS and Android apps are only ported to Windows Phone. Many apps by major mobile developers like Gameloft, King, Bandai Namco and Sega, are also available for PCs like Candy Crush Saga and its spiritual successors, Sonic Dash or Asphalt 8.

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