Hello Everyone! New Construct User Here!

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  • 7 posts
From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi! I've been using Games Factory for several years now and wasn't thrilled by MMF/MMF2 so I'm going to use Construct! I was very impressed by the old platform demo and can't wait to get comfortable with the interface, I'm excited to be part of this new community!

  • Welcome, i hope you will find as i am that Construct is already extremely powerful, i suspect more and more users will come over from clickteam before long, as well, there balls.

  • Welcome to the forums!

  • Hi, welcome to forum. Construct is like MMF/MMF2 but better becouse:

    -It's Free!

    -It's GPL (you can sell your games made by constructor)

    -360 degree Movement

    -Script function like in GameMaker

    -Pixel Shader functions!

  • Hi, welcome to forum. Construct is like MMF/MMF2 but better becouse:

    -It's Free!

    -It's GPL (you can sell your games made by constructor)

    -360 degree Movement

    -Script function like in GameMaker

    -Pixel Shader functions!

    • A zillion things more. (like infinite variables, physics engine, event sheets, Ashley's superfixingskillz, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, etc..)
  • Try Construct 3

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  • yeah, i think doppel and attan pretty much got it spot on lol

    and welcome to the forums, midnight!

  • > Hi, welcome to forum. Construct is like MMF/MMF2 but better becouse:

    > -It's Free!

    > -It's GPL (you can sell your games made by constructor)

    > -360 degree Movement

    > -Script function like in GameMaker

    > -Pixel Shader functions!


    - A zillion things more. (like infinite variables, physics engine, event sheets, Ashley's superfixingskillz, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, etc..)

    You forgot to talk about Ashley

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