[PAID] Construct 2 game developer for hire

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi everyone,

    I am a Construct 2 game developer and am looking to create a construct 2 game for someone who would be interested to add value to their business.

    My experience includes 5 years of programming, including experiences with PHP, javascript, html5, css3, mysql etc.

    I have created different websites/software/games over the last 5 years.

    I also can create web designs or game assets if required or scout for an artist.

    I have made several games, either from scratch or with Unity game engine or Construct 2.

    This experience might benefit to you in making the right decisions during development.

    For some of my games you can check my newgrounds account.


    Certain assets in those games were made by me and the game Arson has all the assets and programming from scratch created by me.

    I have also created a game engine from scratch in javascript so this might greatly help in fixing gaming bugs and stuff.

    I work every single day, no days off. So you can use my skills whenever you want to.

    I will also help the client do marketing and targeting the right audience after the project is finished.

    Right now I am working on two projects and as soon as I finish them, I will be free to work on your project.

    So you can postpone the request before I finish them.

    I never leave a single project unfinished, unless the client wants me to stop its development.

    I also am looking to get payed at the end of each week.

  • You should totally let me know if you get a job this way, I've been thinking about doing the same thing, but I honestly don't know if there's much demand for game developers.

  • You should totally let me know if you get a job this way, I've been thinking about doing the same thing, but I honestly don't know if there's much demand for game developers.

    So far I can tell you that I got a contact for a 3D game.

    None for 2D games.

  • GSquadron, Doesn't really surprise me. Not much demand for 2D game development.

  • There is a lot of demand here, I imagine, but not many organizations can pay. We are looking for one more developer, but they will be required to work in Java.

    So, GSquadron would you be willing for work for knowledge rather than money (for now).

  • There is a lot of demand here, I imagine, but not many organizations can pay. We are looking for one more developer, but they will be required to work in Java.

    So, GSquadron would you be willing for work for knowledge rather than money (for now).

    Thank you very much for your offer. Unfortunately I am not interested in Java as well as it is not on my skills list.

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  • GSquadron No problem.

  • Just finished both games, will immediately start with two other games of mine.

    PM replied. Thank you for your interest!

    Am open to offers again!

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