kop9000 use my translation

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Two days for ten hours I worked on translation. I have noticed that kop9000 erase my translation and then use . It isn't honest.

  • Two days for ten hours I worked on translation. I have noticed that kop9000 erase my translation and then use . It isn't honest.

    I am correcting errors that should not be

  • Erase 1000 constributions and use then, this correcting errors?

    Ok, remained the most difficult 5%.

    People help us

  • Keep whitespace exactly the same. Do not add whitespace where there is none in the English translation, and do not remove whitespace where it is used in English.

  • Erase 1000 constributions and use then, this correcting errors?

    Ok, remained the most difficult 5%.

    People help us

    Stop. It was not me who erased the text. I myself was surprised when I saw that the percentages were asleep. But thankfully, I returned everything

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  • I was doing some work on the translation system earlier and briefly accidentally duplicated nearly 2000 strings. (I was trying to add tips to certain strings but got it all wrong!) It was quite a headache and probably took about 20-30 minutes before I figured out what happened and got it back the way it was. In the mean time all the language percentages jumped down - even French, which was complete - as there were duplicated strings that were counted as untranslated. When I removed them everything went back to normal. Apologies for the confusion.

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