[Feature Request]Construct 3/2 : Label Property and Tooltips

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  • [Feature Request]Construct 3/2 : "Description" Property and "Tooltip" Property for all visual objects.

    Feature Request Voting Link: Construct 3 Ideas : Description and Tooltip Properties with Visual Tooltips!

    With my years of experience in Construct 2. I noticed that with many duplicated objects in a very big project with lots of instances and objects, it can be very tedious to differentiate behaviors of same imaged objects. Some of us Construct 3/2 users took advantage with the feature "Construct 3/2 can differentiate same imaged objects on export, therefore lessening memory usage. " to also optimize cpu usage by cloning objects with the same image but programmed with different behaviors. To avoid redundancy calls within the program.

    Without the tooltip or description visual properties, our development will take longer exponentially as our project becomes bigger.

    Though, we could slightly lessen the burden by adding instance variables providing the descriptions but it will only make another redundancy and that's something that we're trying to lessen in the first place. And it cannot compare to a visual tooltip that will solve both problems at the same time.

    Long story short:

    Adding the Visual Tooltip and Visual Description as an object is selected will help our development significantly.

    It will eliminate the burden of tedious differentiation of same imaged objects in finding their individual behaviors.

    With those features, we can help ourselves label each objects suited to our situational needs.

    Main Feature Requests:

    • Object New Property: "Description:". Should be below "Name" property. As much as possible should be near the top part of the properties bar. Seen in the image.
    • Object New Property: "Tooltip:". Should be below "Description" property. As much as possible should be near the top part of the properties bar.
    • Visual representation of the "Description" property and "Tooltip" property. Seen in the image.
    • Visual Property triggered/shown when the object / objects is/are selected.

    Sub Feature Requests:

    • By Default: Description Property would be the Object Name.
    • By Default: Tooltip Property would be the blank.
    • Visual Tooltips can be disabled at anytime.

    Visual Tooltip:

    New Properties:

    Thank You so much Scirra Team.


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  • The feature suggestions platform is for things exactly like this, you should post it there so people can vote on it.

  • The feature suggestions platform is for things exactly like this, you should post it there so people can vote on it.

    Ohh Sorry. Did not know there was such a thing. It's been a while since I last logged in.

    I'll post it there now.

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