What will use less memory?

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The game will give you a dog that appeared and you must say if he appeared more, less or equal.
  • I have this map. I want to put it in 1 layout. So I have question about it.

    What will work faster?

    • If I will split this map to parts, and then put it it game as sprites and then make collision polygons for each of them?


    • If I will make all black color with tiled background and rounded edges with sprites?
  • Try to slice your sprites to be smaller. Not only it uses less memory. It also allows greater modularity.

    For collision polygons, use a sprite specifically for "solids" in your case. Expand them to fill the area as neccessary. You can turn them invisible in your game.

  • Try to slice your sprites to be smaller. Not only it uses less memory. It also allows greater modularity.

    For collision polygons, use a sprite specifically for "solids" in your case. Expand them to fill the area as neccessary. You can turn them invisible in your game.

    What if I'll make collisions like this and then fill empty places with tiled background?

    Also, which is better, two tiled backgrounds with length of 4 or 1 with length of 10?

  • Did you stretch the solid blocks for one floor instead of having many solid blocks? If so, you are doing correctly.

    Tiled backgrounds are better with smaller sizes. Let's say 64 x 64 to 512 x 512. But be sure to check performance on mobile devices. Some older smartphones will slow down badly with larger tiles.

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