(SOLVED) Scrolling Camera

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From the Asset Store
Simple and easily editable template for a dynamic camera that zooms in and out based on how far apart the players are.
  • Hi.

    I searched first the topics here and tutorials, if my question is already answered. But i didn't find anything.

    So, here is the problem.

    I have a long level.

    At the start there is the player. And at the end, there is a robot.

    I wanted the camera slowly to scroll and show the robot.

    So, i gave to an transparent sprite the "bullet" and "scrollto" behaviors.

    When i tested it, at the start everything is going smoothly... and the transparent sprite slowly is scrolling to the desired position... but i don't see the robot.

    I checked everything, the sprite is not invisible, i checked the event sheet... but nothing is there, which can cause that.

    Why the sprite of the robot is not showing?

  • A few things you may want to test:

    Is the robot in the layout's bound?

    Does the robot somehow moved away? (you can try "debug preview" of C2 and check for X and Y coordinate of the robot to see where it is)

    In fact, can you try make it so the robot is right near your "scroll to" object and then preview the game? Does the robot move or anything?

  • In fact, can you try make it so the robot is right near your "scroll to" object and then preview the game? Does the robot move or anything?

    I did that, and for some reason the sprite of the robot moves alongside the invisible sprite, which is given the "bullet" and "scrollto" behavior.

  • move along? Did you pin the robot on the invisible sprite or did you give bullet behavior to the robot?

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  • I failed to see why was that happening, so i just made a new level with the same sprites and background... and this time it worked.

    i don't know why the last time it didn't :/

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