Screenshot for Facebook

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  • 3 posts
  • Hi from Italy!

    I'm newer to Construct. I've to create a simple application :

    User can drag some elements on screen and then he can share the image on facebook. Or he can save a png screenshot on server and then I'll create the link to share on Facebook.

    I've tried the plugin c2i all the day without success, it does not save in png all sprites that i put on layout.

    Is there a way to do it?

    Thanks you and sorry for my english!

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  • So stupid! <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I found default "Snapshot to Canvas" and now it's working.

    Just another question: I tried "UserMedia/Request Camera" and I can capture an image from webcam, but after create apk using PhoneGap function it's not working using camera phone.

    Is there any way to user Camera Phone?

    Thank you.

  • Ok I was able to use phone camera using a simple cordova script and PhoneGap.

    Is it possible to integrate in some way inside construct?


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