Problem with background and text.

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From the Asset Store
Animated Text
$3.99 USD
With AnimatedText behavior you can make an impression of the text being “typed live”.
  • I'm using a text object for displaying realtime score which is on top of the layer and there is an image(as background) at the bottom of the layer. But, when i reload the layout with 'play again' button [Button->On Clicked->System->Go to Layout 1] that background image hides the scoring text. It does not occur with other solid/platform objects. I

  • I'm using a text object for displaying realtime score which is on top of the layer and there is an image(as background) at the bottom of the layer. But, when i reload the layout with 'play again' button [Button->On Clicked->System->Go to Layout 1] that background image hides the scoring text. It does not occur with other solid/platform objects. I

    post a capx... I suggest to use two layer...(or more)

    for the score, button...etc, use another layer where is on the top of the can also use an action to move the object on top of another object

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  • Tried that already, attached the .capx for you.

  • Tried that already, attached the .capx for you.

    why you set the score invisible? when you change the layout, all elements of the other layout just leave, you don't need to set invisible

  • I'm afraid, it still acts the same... :/

  • Weird, what if you use the trigger "At start of the layout" => "Your text: visible" ?

    or use a timer, and when the timer reach a value => "your text: visible", at least you can check the debug panel and see if the variable change

  • Applied Global to no, that fixed anyway. Thank you all for suggestions.

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