Menus and Levels

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From the Asset Store
A well commented template with list menus and shops to use in your top-down RPGs or metroidvania games!
  • I'm new to Construct 2, I've been working with flash for a long time so a few things are throwing me off...

    Is there any sort of "scenes" as in flash? I want to link certain events to a certain scene.

    (ex. going to the left takes you to a fire level and to the right takes you to a water level)

    If this doesn't exist is there some other method of achieving this?

  • Given this situation, here's what I would do, although I will admit I am still learning C2.

    -Make each level its own separate layout.

    -Have a 'map' layout, and have parts of that map take the game to some other layout. For example, a point on the 'map' layout takes the game to the 'lake' layout.

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  • +1 what Excal said

  • Given this situation, here's what I would do, although I will admit I am still learning C2.

    -Make each level its own separate layout.

    -Have a 'map' layout, and have parts of that map take the game to some other layout. For example, a point on the 'map' layout takes the game to the 'lake' layout.

    Thanks, that sounds good.

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