How do I stack 4 block of the same color and add +1 at score

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  • Hello everyone, I have a problem with my game in practice I have to stack 4 blocks of the same color and once that has happened assign 1 to the score, how can I do? how does construct 2 understand that I stacked 4 identical blocks? thanks for the help

  • What you mean on stack? more details please

  • .

  • What you mean on stack? more details please

    When 4 blocks of the same color are connected vertically (I have a parent block that moves on the x-axis) are destroyed, and add 1 to the score. In practice you have to dodge the blocks of different color and just be able to stack 4 blocks of the same color, otherwise the game ends. Thank you in advance

  • I'm not sure how to work with the pick system in C2, but imagine something like that, you check if 1st block overlaps at offset Y -5 (choose your value) with 2nd block, than you check for 2nd block with 3rd block and so on. If all of this conditions are true, you have your 4 blocks. Can't help you much now, but that may lead to a solution.

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  • I'm not sure how to work with the pick system in C2, but imagine something like that, you check if 1st block overlaps at offset Y -5 (choose your value) with 2nd block, than you check for 2nd block with 3rd block and so on. If all of this conditions are true, you have your 4 blocks. Can't help you much now, but that may lead to a solution.

    i will try it and let you know if it work, thank you

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