How do I simulate the platformer behavior with physics?

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Everything is made via physics, Very simple code: 6 events only (3 for tank creation, 2 for controls and 1 for camera)
  • So, here I was playing with platformer behavior for a project, and I had to make a seesaw-like contraption. Turns out that the physics behavior doesn't work with non-physic objects. So I went and tried to simulate the platformer behavior with physics applying force for movement and impulse for jumping, but as soon as I jump and then started moving, it started doing some weird stuff... almost a hovering-like behavior. Also, whenever I jumped while on the air, it'd jump again but from the platform. So yeah, I'll try to figure out how to share the capx, but in the meanwhile I'd like to know the best way possible to simulate platformer behavior with physics. THANKS!

  • this is not the answer to your question but...

    here is a seesaw type thing done without physics

    taken from

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  • this is not the answer to your question but...

    here is a seesaw type thing done without physics

    taken from

    Thanks, It does help, but I still would like to know

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