How do I Move diagonally w/ Gamepad

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  • i get the feeling no one actually use gamepad functions...

    Referring to the construct manual i can have my player move up down left and right with the analog stick, but i cannot figure out how to get the character to move diagonally with turning the stick in between angles.

    Any idea?

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  • If you use 8Direction, you don't have to do something special for diagonal movement.

    This works for me:

  • This is perfect thanks, i dont know why it was giving me problems!

    however I came across another problem though i added animations for each action and they seem to argue with each other if i dont press into a specific direction. up,down,left,right, Exact.

    The code basically looks like this.

    Left analog - press left, play animation "run left"

    Left analog - press right, play animation "run right"

    etc etc, any idea what i can do about that?

  • [quote:3jkcwwpv] I came across another problem though i added animations for each action and they seem to argue with each other if i dont press into a specific direction. up,down,left,right, Exact.

    That problem is not so trivial, at least for me.

    I made a litte example: ... sp=sharing

    Hope that will help.

    Please feel free to ask if there are something you don't understand.

  • Wow this is great! I cannot thank you enough for your help, somewhere on my end i have a few issues to sort out, but at least i have the knowledge on how to get it to work correctly.

    Again thank you for taking the time helping me figure this out.

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