How do I Make a Game Card (Domino Card)

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  • I want to make game : a domino card (the card has 2 value), how I can compare, how I can give a value for image. so what a plugin must I use... ? thank you for ur helping

    (sorry my english is not good)

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  • There are more than one way..

    The two easiest:

    • You could have an animation on the card holding all different values in different frames and compare the frame-number..
    • you could give the card an instance variable and set it to the number you want and compare that variable..

    No plugins required..

    (except for the sprite object ofcourse)

    if the card has only two possible values, using a boolean instance variable would do..

  • There are more than one way..

    The two easiest:

    - You could have an animation on the card holding all different values in different frames and compare the frame-number..

    - you could give the card an instance variable and set it to the number you want and compare that variable..

    No plugins required..

    (except for the sprite object ofcourse)

    if the card has only two possible values, using a boolean instance variable would do..

    thank you about your suggestion, I will tried...

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