How do I create score

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Heeeello people! good night.

    I have one question. u can help-me?

    my project game is one war of cannons multiplayer 2D and I have some doubts.

    How i create it:

    each cannon has 5 shots and each time the player shoots he misses a shot when he shoot 5 times will reload the cannon. how do I represent it in the game? to let him know how many shots still have?

    for example:

    I want to make the player know that he's still got three shots left to reload the gun . I created the sprite and will represent it with 5 small ammunition upon cannon, each time the player will shoot dec 1 sprite(ammunition) . How do I create a script to place it on c2 ? can someone explain me with picture if possible ?

    here one example with image:

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  • Create a variable (lets called it "ammo") and set it to 5

    I guess you already have an event for shooting, go there and add the effect "substract from variable".

    Basicaly what you want is to substract 1 from the variable "ammo" every time you shoot.

    Then you should have another event so when "ammo" gets to 0 the reload happens.

    Im not sure if thats what you are looking for.

  • adding to if ammo = set frame to bullet count.

  • Create a variable (lets called it "ammo") and set it to 5

    I guess you already have an event for shooting, go there and add the effect "substract from variable".

    Basicaly what you want is to substract 1 from the variable "ammo" every time you shoot.

    Then you should have another event so when "ammo" gets to 0 the reload happens.

    Im not sure if thats what you are looking for.

    I already have this system, so i need add the hud beneath the tank to show how many shots are left. I create a sprite of bullet and the empty capsule. how i make it?

    to show how many shots are left to players?

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