How do I add my own API in my game?

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  • Hi, everyone!

    I started using Construct 2 a few weeks ago, and I have to say it's a great tool and it seems really easy to create games with it.

    I'm a newbie, so I have a question for you today. I know it's a big one, but I haven't found any documentation or articles about that.

    I would like to add my API (leaderboard system, ...) in my games, but I don't really know how to do it.

    Can you help me?

  • Hi, everyone!

    I started using Construct 2 a few weeks ago, and I have to say it's a great tool and it seems really easy to create games with it.

    I'm a newbie, so I have a question for you today. I know it's a big one, but I haven't found any documentation or articles about that.

    I would like to add my API (leaderboard system, ...) in my games, but I don't really know how to do it.

    Can you help me?

    The normal method for integrating an API is via the SDK, but you will need to be proficient in Javascript.

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  • Hi, zenox98. Thanks for your answer.

    I have tried this and I have another question: Is it possible to call an external function (like a .js file, for example) with Construct 2?

  • Javascript is not my forte, unfortunately.

    If you post any questions in the Javascript SDK section, then one of the gurus who frequent that section will be able to offer much better assistance.

  • Do you have the API created already on your server? An API requires server side programming, and then you just access the API via AJAX (or WebSockets or whatever).

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