Creating a Random Mob Spawner in the Free Ed?

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Nevermind just solved it. I ended up just having it based on whether or not the Spawner was "Visable On Screen" which apparently amounts to any part of it (Even the TINIEST part) being in the viewable area.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Yes, that works as well.

    I had figured the problem is that you might have more than one spawner (i.e. you have a spawner off layout that you placed at design time, then you spawned another one at run time.) and it was evaluating based on the first spawner, which probably wasn't moving.

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  • Yes, that works as well.

    I had figured the problem is that you might have more than one spawner (i.e. you have a spawner off layout that you placed at design time, then you spawned another one at run time.) and it was evaluating based on the first spawner, which probably wasn't moving.

    How would ya fix that?

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