Very important thing to me! ; )

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  • 4 posts
  • Hello! Now, when C2 is out like a pay-to-use software, I decide to buy a standart license edition. But I not prefer HTML5 format.

    I got few questions:

    1. When we get a exe exporter? This is very important for many people.

    2. Construct Classic give us a lots of awesome graphic effects, shaders, blurs etc. When we see this in Construct 2?

    3. Does the current version of Construct 2 gives us the opportunity to create advanced rpg engines?

    4. What with sprite editor? Construct Classic sprite editor its very cool!

    Thanks for answers, I'm very excited of Construct 2. :D Greetings!

  • 1. When we get a exe exporter? This is very important for many people.

    We understand this is a popular request, but we're stretched to the limit working on the editor and HTML5 exporter! Once those are done we'll consider other runtimes like an OpenGL EXE exporter.

    . Construct Classic give us a lots of awesome graphic effects, shaders, blurs etc. When we see this in Construct 2?

    Possibly with a WebGL runtime after HTML5 is done, or with the OpenGL EXE runtime.

    . Does the current version of Construct 2 gives us the opportunity to create advanced rpg engines?

    It should do - there may be missing features but we're filling in the holes as fast as we can.

    . What with sprite editor? Construct Classic sprite editor its very cool!

    We're still working on it!

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  • Thanks for answer! Greetings!

  • Will the sprite editor contain the onion skin feature?

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