"This project exceeds the free edition limitations"?

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With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • Hi,

    I'm doing a small Portal clone in Construct 2 for a project at school. I'm getting the warning that my project exceeds the free edition limitations but the thing is:

    "The project has a limit os 100 events" - I only have 42.

    "Each layout has a limit of 4 layers" - Each layout only has 1 layer.

    "You can only have a max of 2 effects" - I have zero.

    So how do I fix this?

  • Ok, so I pinpointed the error. Basically I have an effect in each level (3 levels in total so more than the number of effects allowed - I tought it was 2 unique effects and not 2 instances or whatever), but it's not listed anywhere. I'm pretty sure I added them to the level properties but nothing is listed there. I tried seeing in every element but can't find anything. Any other place I might be missing?

  • What C2 counts as an event and what everyone else does are two different things. Look at the bottom of the screen, there is an Event count. Chances are it is higher than the number of events listed in the event sheet. Global variables are counted as 'events' in the event count, for example.

  • Problem really was with the effect thing. In other PC, I added the Noise Effect to layout0, and then copied that layout to serve as a basis for the other ones. Problem is, in this PC, the effects are not listed there. I had to copy+paste the layout's content to other freshly made layout and the problem was gone.

    Still, quite a nasty bug for it to be detecting and effect but not listing it.

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  • Problem really was with the effect thing. In other PC, I added the Noise Effect to layout0, and then copied that layout to serve as a basis for the other ones. Problem is, in this PC, the effects are not listed there. I had to copy+paste the layout's content to other freshly made layout and the problem was gone.

    Still, quite a nasty bug for it to be detecting and effect but not listing it.

    If you really think you have a reproducible bug, then please post it in the Bugs section, ensuring to follow the Bug Report Requirements.

    That way, Ashley can investigate and hopefully fix it for the benefit of all users.


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