performance advice , is construct 2 suited for such game?

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    so in the last couple of months i've been missing around with construct 2 ,this engine is just amazing at everything ,it is well organized , everything makes sense for artists and people who are weak in the coding department i was able to create many amazing things with it i just loved it! but i was following the old techniques for creating tile based big games most of my games were 32x32 or 16x16 tile based pixel art sort of games all of them of course run good even using the system browser for Android (i fallowed Ashley's performance tutorial) , also when creating and testing games that didn't need big scenes (casual) , i didn't care for the old restrictions and created HD games that gave me good results .

    all good until i tested some bigger scenes with hd graphics i failed even using ludai and crosswalker , but it's not the issue here i was just testing construct 2's performance i'm not interested in mobile anyway , so now after i created my team , me ( a programmer and the designer ) , 2 artists , one sound specialist we are now started to work on a game (still in concept process ) it should rival the quality of Ubisoft's Rayman legend and Child of light, yes the game is supposed to be this polished , the game is going to be on steam (assuming it will be accepted) so it's pc only maybe mobile in the future , i don't know if construct 2 will be powerful enough for such a project , how good it is with pc? , the game is an action 2d adventure with cutscenes and a story line , it will have a lot of animation (spritter) seems like a good solution for too much animation .

    anyway i have unity3d as an option in case construct 2 didn't do it for me , i saw couples of tutorials about unity c# , it doesn't sound that intimidating i'd be able to adopt there but it will take more time to develop with , but i like the idea of creating a polished construct 2 game, a challenge that i would take considering the amount of unpolished games i've seen created by C2 (no offense to this amazing engine ) , i just need an advice from experienced construct 2 developers , do you think i'm wasting my time with C2 and should go to unity , can you show me a big pc game that was made with construct 2 , sorry for the long unorganized topic! English is not my native lanauge , and thanks in advance.

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  • The Next Penelope:

    looks amazing, i like the effects and the camera system he created and it was only a one man team .

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