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  • Hello Gamers I am new to construct 2 and I am working on flappy bird project the question is once the player is near to rock or obstacles it want to react something like eg: whether it can rotate,it can open the eyes,laugh etc... once the player is near to the obstacles only it should happend otherwise it should be static give some idea or tutorials to do this.


  • its simple, by using events you can just do "player|on collision with: obstacle" and then in the action you put what you want the player to do.

    and please use this subforum to ask stuff

  • And if you want it to happen before hitting the obstacle then you can use player overlapping "obstacle" at offset and set the X and Y values to whatever you think is best. You can also use a invisible trigger if you want.

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  • Hello Gamers I am new to construct 2 and I am working on flappy bird project the question is once the player is near to rock or obstacles it want to react something like eg: whether it can rotate,it can open the eyes,laugh etc... once the player is near to the obstacles only it should happend otherwise it should be static give some idea or tutorials to do this.


    using the system expression compare two variables, you compare the distance of the flappy bird and the rock near it from the front, you will need an additional x calculation to determine which is the closest front object, if you dont when ur bird is between 2 stones middle point, it will do crazy stuff, il make u a example how logic should work, then it depends on you how you want to polish the events for your specific needs.

    and here it is Distance Flappin Bird i modified the default game, and made an extra group for the distance measurement.

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