Download Construct 2 release 40

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  • Download Construct 2 public preview 40

    Link to release 39

    New in this build: event groups!

    <img src="">

    These are as you'd expect from Classic: they are collapsible, can be disabled on startup, have a title and description, and there is a system action to activate or deactivate them and a condition to check they're active.

    A nice touch is that you can create local variables inside event groups, and their scope is the entire event group. That's useful for variables which are used over a fairly broad scope, but still without making them global.

    That is all - let me know if any problems - more builds on the way!


    • [Feature] Event groups
    • [Fix] 'Solid' behavior broken in r39.
  • I just added a new sprite and I can't see it on the layout. I can see it at runtime though.

  • Well, that was fast.

  • Could it be made to work like CC where double clicking the group would open and close it? I use that constantly as I use lots of groups and it's a lot easier and quicker to do accurately than target the +/- each time.

    Also, buttons for create group and create variable are missing from the ribbon. Aside from those, appears to work great!

    Djordhan: it works for me. :/

  • Last I heard, groups were going to be left out of C2, so it's good to hear that you've changed your mind.

    Still not enough to make me use C2, but a step in the right direction.


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  • Could it be made to work like CC where double clicking the group would open and close it?

    OK, will change for next build.

    Last I heard, groups were going to be left out of C2

    Where did you hear that?! We've always planned to put groups in, to match Classic's features!

  • > Last I heard, groups were going to be left out of C2


    Where did you hear that?! We've always planned to put groups in, to match Classic's features!

    Seriously, I remember the discussion, and some people were saying the same as I was thinking, and that was how powerful groups can be.

    I'm sure I didn't dream it.

    I'll have a quick look and see if I can find the thread.

    Maybe it was when you were still brainstorming C2.


  • Well, it appears that in one of the polls you've had, you were explaining workarounds to life without groups, using booleans, etc, and other people were saying how they'd still prefer groups.

    Looking at it just now, it's clear that you were talking about how to do it "until" you got around to adding them, and I guess I read it as you explaining why you weren't going to.

    Glad I'm wrong.

    Groups are one of my favourite things in C1.

    Now all you need to add is an .exe exporter.



  • Hehe, no worries nobody should panic about features disappearing, we're trying to match everything Classic does and then add more on top of that, except where HTML5 limitations apply.

  • A feature that I would like to see for the grid when it finally gets put into Construct 2 is the ability to also choose an isometric grid.

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