C2 games stoped working after android marshmallow update

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  • Hi,

    I have two games published on Google app store. A few days ago, my phone just updated from lollipop 5.1 to marshmallow 6.0.1 and now none of my C2 games works anymore. It starts and hangs just after the splashscreen. I know this probably has nothing to do with C2, as they were working before the update, but i would like to know if any of you guys have experienced something like this and/or may know/suspect what could went wrong? Any help will be appreciated.


    Edited: In fact i've noticed that the game is running, but at very slow frames, so it seems to be freeze. Other thing i've noticed, is when switching through other aplications it seems to run a bit faster, that is how i've could notice that the game is still running.

  • Are you using the latest version of C2? We regularly make compatibility fixes, and if you're using an old version you might be missing those fixes.

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  • No, not the latest, but the beta release r. 241. The strange thing is that my son's already has marshmallows on his android phone and it works fine there. Something went wrong with the update for sure, but i can't figure out what. System is working well and all others games i have seems to have improved performance, but i'm not sure, as i didn't make any real test on my device.

    Anyway, i will do as you suggested and re-build my app with the latest stable version of C2.

    Thank you!

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