Playing webm video on NWJS 0.30 consistently causes pcs to crash

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30 high-quality 2D monsters. This asset is perfect for a side scrolling game, or even a turn based RPG type game.
  • > I use ogv files in my project and it also happens.

    Ok that's nothing then. Weird thing is that I couldn't reproduce or at least notice this when using shorter WebM files. Perhaps the issue only occurs at a certain file size or video length.

    I'll keep looking for more convenient workarounds while the issue is still active.

    Headbang Games Could you do me a favor again and try to reproduce this issue with an exported project using Construct 2 r256 or earlier? I have the Steam version (no downgrade possible) and can't export with NWjs in the free non-Steam version.

    I don't think it's file size related, I have a 6 seconds 7mb video file that causes the same issue.

    I also don't think it's a C2 issue, since on previous versions of NWjs it works fine.

    I tried r256 and r253 (both before video autoplay fixes), still happens on both of them.

  • > > I use ogv files in my project and it also happens.

    > Ok that's nothing then. Weird thing is that I couldn't reproduce or at least notice this when using shorter WebM files. Perhaps the issue only occurs at a certain file size or video length.


    > I'll keep looking for more convenient workarounds while the issue is still active.


    > Headbang Games Could you do me a favor again and try to reproduce this issue with an exported project using Construct 2 r256 or earlier? I have the Steam version (no downgrade possible) and can't export with NWjs in the free non-Steam version.

    I don't think it's file size related, I have a 6 seconds 7mb video file that causes the same issue.

    I also don't think it's a C2 issue, since on previous versions of NWjs it works fine.

    I tried r256 and r253 (both before video autoplay fixes), still happens on both of them.

    Thanks, just want to make 100% sure this isn't somehow caused by C2.

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  • The issue seems to have fixed itself in NW.js (0.32.0+). If someone experiences this in more recent versions after that, please leave a comment in the Github Issue and I will reopen it.

    ~ Bug report can be closed.

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