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Hellström Racer - minimalist top down driving game
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Here's my biggest game project yet with C3. It's called Hellström Racer, which is a 2D top-down racing game. It's very minimal in design (on purpose), and has 9...

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How do I change the cameras angle?
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Hello again. I'm attempting to make a racing game like F-ZERO or Super Mario Kart on the SNES. Is it possible to change the camera's angle so that it will follo...

posted 3 years ago
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What are some ways to detect 1st place during a race?
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What are some ways to detect if a race car is in 1st place, during the race? In the following 2D situations: - top down view. - side view, cars going up, multip...

posted 3 years ago
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Game on Try now screen HELP!
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As you may have noticed, there's this AMAZING video from a game that's. Some kind of racing game, it looks awesome! But. How do I get it? I'm searching all over...

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I am working on a racing game, and was wondering how to implent replayable ghost data. My current idea is to add x and y values to a json file every tick/second...

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Pseudo 3D Racing Template
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I'm here to share my newest Pseudo 3D Racing Template (now on Scirra Store)! If you always wanted to know how to create a pseudo 3D racing game in an easy way (...

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F-Zero Prototype Made in Construct 3!
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I made this fun little top-down F-Zero prototype in a few days, and I'm really happy with how it turned out! I plan to make this engine into a full F-Zero fanga...

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