[Solved] Integrate Whammy into C2

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  • Hey guys,

    I'm always trying to stretch the border of what C2 can be used for. I've been looking at video inside construct 2 recently.

    I found Whammy (more info here http://techslides.com/convert-images-to ... javascript ), which looks like it can turn canvas images into a video.

    I would LOVE to have that capability in C2, and am looking for someone to integrate it.

    I don't know how much work this is for one of you pro plugin/behavior experts, but I would love to get a quote from you! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    rexrainbow ? I don't know if you do custom projects, but if you do... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Thanks Justin

  • Why would anyone want to make video's of their game?

    Oh, wait...

  • Why would anyone want to make video's of their game?

    Oh, wait...

    I'm slightly confused... Are you suggesting that I should just record with OBS or bandicam?

    The whole point would be to make a tool with it. (so you can export video, without hassle and other tools)

    (bonus of being able too capture footage without real recording software)

  • Why would anyone want to make video's of their game?

    Oh, wait...

    Don't think of this in a wrong way but i don't know if you are just being hilarious or you just like to bash on people. Especially on your birthday.

    BTW Happy Birthday!

    [quote:2evma59i]I'm slightly confused... Are you suggesting that I should just record with OBS or bandicam?

    The whole point would be to make a tool with it. (so you can export video, without hassle and other tools)

    (bonus of being able too capture footage without real recording software)

    I wouldn't do that if were you. Imagine a player playing your game and record it while playing, it will lose atleast 50% of performance while recording. That's kind of wasting resources.

    As far as I know, most games only do in-game screenshots but not an in-game video recorder.

  • I had no intention of "bashing" anyone... I just didn't know what he meant and tried to clarify what I'm trying to accomplish...

    especially not a veteran in the forums that has helped me countless times...

    (BTW Happy Birthday Newt )

  • Why not use the User Media Object ? It is currently supported by Chrome.....

  • antares330 It's okay. I was referring to newt

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  • antares330 It's okay. I was referring to newt

    Oh... I see... xD

    Why not use the User Media Object ? It is currently supported by Chrome.....

    wow... I had no idea that was built in, I'd never really looked that close at User media. (thought it was just mics and cam)

    I guess I'll mark this thread as finished... as it looks user media has exactly what I need!

  • antares330

    Sorry my poor attempt at humor.


    Thank you!


    It's a little slow on my system.

    Kind of hoping an alternative might be faster.

  • Yeah, newt , same here. It's good for recording at 20-30 fps on mine; OBS is far better.

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