[Paid Request] Cordova Firebase plugin (Cocoon)

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Hi,

    I'm looking for a developer who can make a construct 2 plugin for firebase.

    The cordova counterpart is already available on github.


    So "only" a construct 2 plugin is needed to use the github repo. Please, if someone is able to do this,

    tell me the price and estimated time for this job.

    Thank you!

  • Hello AndreasR ,

    I would like to help.

    In very nominal cost.

    Add me over Skype ID: cis.ron or send me an email

    Looking for your reply.


    Ron A.

  • Hello AndreasR ,

    I would like to help.

    In very nominal cost.

    Add me over Skype ID: cis.ron or send me an email

    Looking for your reply.


    Ron A.

    I sent you an email.


  • Any update on this?

  • A bit of a double post but did this go anywhere?

  • A bit of a double post but did this go anywhere?

    Nope, no progress on that. I'm currently switching to Unity because of this matter.



  • Hi Andy,

    I just saw your post and would be able to help you out.

    You can reach me on

    Best Wishes


  • I'd help fund this. AndreasR any news?

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  • Hello.

    I could make it for a reasonable price. Although, I don't get what you guys want from that cordova plugin.

    The features it has are basically only push notifications, analytics, event tracking and crash reporting .

    It doesn't read or write.

    You still have to implement the Firebase Database and FireStore features.

    Although, I can still do this. It is just very complicated and it won't be cheap.

    If you want to hire me as a developer for this.

    1. Visit me on the Discord Server : Construct Community
    2. I am one of the member : 'ChadoriXD'
    3. Invite Link :


    Have a nice day!

  • AndreasR





    If any of you are still interested in this, please let me/chadorire know. I'm trying to get it funded.

  • Crowdfunding isn't a bad idea, let me know once you gut a campaign up!



  • AndreasR

    Not so much crowdfunding as finding a developer and joint hiring them. So maybe crowd funding lol. However, after talking with Chadori, it seem the issue is a bit harder than we hope. Canvas+ doesn't support websockets, so even with a cordova plugin this may not work. See more here:


  • AndreasR

    Not so much crowdfunding as finding a developer and joint hiring them. So maybe crowd funding lol. However, after talking with Chadori, it seem the issue is a bit harder than we hope. Canvas+ doesn't support websockets, so even with a cordova plugin this may not work. See more here:


    Now I got it. Well this is a limitation by canvas+, but not by Cocoon at all. WebView+ also can offer good performance. And if there was a working firebase plugin for cordova, I would switch to WebView+.

    It always depends on your game. Canvas+ isn't the answer to all performance problems ;)



  • I actually said that Cordova Firebase might really work since Cocoon.IO multiplayer works on Canvas+ because it is made as a Cordova Plugin. Although, I didn't test it yet, so I can't be certain.

    To be honest though, I don't really recommend Firebase that much. Unless you want to rush into making and finishing your game and avoid programming. And use the most feature-packed and available, back-end service. Then it is more than fine.

    There is GameSparks with a plugin. It is similar to Firebase but it is more focused on games unlike Firebase. There is a plugin, although it is kind of limited. So, you'd still have to code in JavaScript, to extend the limited capabilities of the plugin.

    I currently use PlayFab , although, this is purely using it through Javascript. There is no plugin for it.

    I don't think PlayFab is practical to make a plugin of. It is very volatile and might change anytime and the reference list is long just like Firebase .

    Out of all, I would recommend to use PlayFab but you are going to have to fully use JavaScript to implement this.

    There is GameSparks , nearly the same as PlayFab . And also like PlayFab , it is designed for games. We do have a plugin for this on Construct 2 but it is limited.

    So, you still have to use JavaScript to extend the features but minimally.

    But if you have little experience in programming or in a rush to develop your game. Then, Firebase is fine. Since, it have so many libraries/plugins online even a few are available on Construct.

  • Thanks for the additional info and suggestions. I mostly went with firebase because it's free, and covers the feature I needed very easily. I'm only using it for cloud saves. I'll look into the other services though.

    I'm confused how you guys are getting ok performance with webview+: compared to canvas it runs awful and all sounds are delayed by 1-2 seconds, it's unplayable.

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