Looking for C3 Developer

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  • Hi guys,

    I'm looking to hire a developer for a minimum 3 month contract on a part time basis (20hrs a week/80hrs a month)

    I'm basically looking for someone to assist myself and my brother in updating our existing apps & games plus help us work on some new projects and test some ideas.

    We're not the most competent developers and find we enjoy designing far more, so we need some help.

    The projects would be all mobile based (iOS & Android) and most apps/games have pretty basic functionalities so it should be easy stuff for a half competent dev :D

    If you are interested, please e-mail me at: labsboba nue @gmail.com - I can give you more info then

    Please could you tell me your experience, links to your games and desired wage per month.

    Ideally you will have experience with Chaodoris Plugins (ads, iap, firebase, notifications)


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  • Do you mean Cordova? Well i guess I'm hired then.

  • I do not know if you are interested or not, but I sent an email :)

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