Sidescroller Help

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hello Again!

    It has been awhile, but ah how nice to return

    I don't know if you guys remember but I was going to make a RPG with construct. Well You where right....

    WAY TO HARD!!! So I have decided that I want to make a side scrolling platform game. Something very very basic. I was actually inspired by a PSP-Homebrew game coming up. Here is the style I want:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    So As you can see what I'm going for is not that difficult at all. However I have not made a sidescroller in construct yet. Only Top down Games like ghost shooter. So here is what I need help with...What are the basics to making a sidescroller in construct?

    Alright thanks!!! Remember just the basic stuff and I want to keep it simple however I want to make the graphics nice so please explain all that stuff to


    P.S. Sorry if someone already posted for SS help

  • Well there is a basic example of a side scroller include with Construct (New From Template -> Side Scroller) and that teaches you how to make a working platformer. However, if you want to make a game that has enemies and etc then you could see the source of other peoples work and ask for specific examples (eg: a mario style enemy you jump on to kill).

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  • Hey Jayjay,

    Thanks for the reply! I will look at that template and peruse the forums for performers and ask for the cap files or something or talk one one one with the developer through PM. Thanks for the help

    I'll C-ya around!!!

  • It has been awhile, but ah how nice to return

    I don't know if you guys remember but I was going to make a RPG with construct. Well You where right.... WAY TO HARD!!!

    But you've only been at it for 14 days

    Anyway, I'm currently making a series of tutorials that will walk the player through making a platform game from beginning to end:

    The first few should be up soon (I hope).

  • But you've only been at it for 14 days

    Anyway I am looking forward to your tutorials and will DEFF use them Thanks for sharing that with me and I'll cya around!!

  • Angelus...

    I have made some tiles for you but I haven't hosted them yet... I wanted to ask you what screen resolution you are planning to make your game so I know what resolution to make your sky background?

    Either reply here or PM me, whichever is easier.


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