Kombo Blade [ Scirra Arcade ]

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From the Asset Store
140 sounds, specially designed to make your blades sound amazing
  • Hi All,

    Please check out my latest Construct 3 creation!

    Game name: Kombo Blade

    Genre: Arcade/Action/Fighting

    Platforms: Windows, Mac

    Game Description:

    A physics based blade combo arcade game. Launch your opponent high into the air and try to combo them for as long as you can. Slice, burn, saw, impale, and slam your enemy for massive damage and super high combo scores!

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation"> Scirra Arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/fighting- ... lade-29434

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation"> Newgrounds - with added scoreboards and medals: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/710584

    Arcade Screens:

    Ratings and feedback are always appreciated

    Thank you!

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  • Fun concept and nice visuals!

    You should look for a rag-doll plugin, I believe I saw some going around on the forums somewhere.

    Personally I find it inconvenient how the character goes out of the screen up top and stays out of reach for quite some time, leaving me waiting indefinitely. I also feel like pushing the character horizontally should feel more responsive, it's a bit sluggish.

  • Fun concept and nice visuals!

    You should look for a rag-doll plugin, I believe I saw some going around on the forums somewhere.

    Personally I find it inconvenient how the character goes out of the screen up top and stays out of reach for quite some time, leaving me waiting indefinitely. I also feel like pushing the character horizontally should feel more responsive, it's a bit sluggish.

    Thanks for the feedback, all great points! I didn't even think about the ragdoll but now that you mention that it could be really fun thing to add. I will take a look and see if I can find something!

    I might look into having the camera follow the character past the top of the screen, it would need some tweaking but it's doable. I agree about the character push, need to lessen the amount of dampening right now to give the player more freedom in the combo.


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