Official Plugin: Flexible Textures

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Hello.

    I propose to support my proposal which will be useful to all who use Construct 2-3.

    I suggest the administration of the group to create a new plugin which will give the opportunity to create flexible tektsury.

    Plugin flexible textures, will enable any developer with ample opportunities for game development.

    Thanks to the new plug-in, developers will be able to create beautiful landscapes like Tiled Background, only this plug-in will allow you to create textures like in Photoshop.

    As you know yourself, in the Hill Climb Racing game, the roads are made using just such technologies, these are the technologies that exist in many useful 2D engines.

    for example, Unity allows you to create such roads or hills.

    Sorry I have bad English.

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  • He's asking for a polygon type object that has a tiled texture option,

    One that allows polygons(of convex design) to act as a collision object.

    Tilemap does not fill those features completely.

    However a collision polygon shares the same restrictions as the Sprite collision polygon(number of points).

    This, but with the texture thing(which is solved using blending modes, although way too hacky).

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