Capture PNG Sequence / Animated Sequence Render ?

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  • Hello All,

    I'm not sure how to even start such thing, but I want to make when I click a button it will capture PNG Sequence of every FRAME of an animated sequence exactly for X amount of frames.

    For example:

    If the Sprite Animation have 12 frames on X speed.

    I want the button to CAPTURE all 12 frames that on the canvas (even if there are more than 1 sprites)

    with all the frames without weird manual timing guesses issues or bugs based on machine speed, it must be accurate based on every frame of the Sprite Speed so it won't just capture multiple of the same frame more than once. like when you Render / Export from any animation or video edit software to PNG Sequence.

    The goal is to let the user CLICK to capture the canvas and it's sprites as a usable PNG file sequence.

    So it's also need to add number at the end of the file AUTOMATICALLY.

    For example:

    PNG_Sequence_0001.png, PNG_Sequence_0002.png, PNG_Sequence_0003.png etc..

    Can somebody help me start make such thing work, I don't even know how to begin but I can only guess that it's related to drawing canvas and capture features? (just guessing)

    Any help, step-by-step guide or video tutorial related will be very appreciated, thanks ahead! :)

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  • Alon

    you could use "On frame changed" to take care of the timing, under that take a snapshot of the canvas (and increment the image count variable), then use the browser object to download...

    in looking into the options, I ended up making a working sample... so here it is:

  • Alon

    you could use "On frame changed" to take care of the timing, under that take a snapshot of the canvas (and increment the image count variable), then use the browser object to download...

    in looking into the options, I ended up making a working sample... so here it is:

    Dear AllanR thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it a lot!

    I just tried your example but I noticed 2 things maybe you can help improving this since it looks it's very close to what I'm trying to do.

    Please consider I didn't look at the code but just tried it as quick as I saw it (excitement?)

    1. when I clicked the save it only saved 3 frames (I noticed there are 4 frames for the sprite animation).

    2. Is there a more friendly way to save the files instead of manually pop-up and click save one by one?

    Like saving all frames in one click?

    It's very much getting really close to what I'm trying to do! I hope it can be improved if C3 can support these features of course, I have no clue and this is why I'm looking for help in this.

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