Open SD Card (File Manager) with File Chooser on Android

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  • When try to open a .txt file file from sd card with file chooser on Android it don't show any text file. it show only image and video file. is there any way to open txt file with file chooser on android?

    How can i do it?

  • Help me please... is it possible with file chooser?

  • Hey i didn't tried try the file chooser but i found a plugin , i think it can help you

  • Help me please... is it possible with file chooser?


    1. Select FileChooser in projects window (right hand side of screen)

    2. Under properties for accept - type in .txt (left hand side of screen)

  • > Help me please... is it possible with file chooser?



    1. Select FileChooser in projects window (right hand side of screen)

    2. Under properties for accept - type in .txt (left hand side of screen)

    frozenpeas bro, i did it. but it still open only image & video file

  • Hey i didn't tried try the file chooser but i found a plugin , i think it can help you

    both are same

  • I'm struggling with the fileChooser on my own project as we speak.

    I've noticed that how you export the project affects how the fileChooser works.

    I'm using Intel XDK to test it and have to include the file plugin.

    How are you exporting it to test on android?

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  • I'm struggling with the fileChooser on my own project as we speak.

    I've noticed that how you export the project affects how the fileChooser works.

    I'm using Intel XDK to test it and have to include the file plugin.

    How are you exporting it to test on android?

    I'm also export it with intel xdk with normal android build (not crosswalk). it works fine, but problem is that it don't find any file except Image & Video

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