Help for my game !

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From the Asset Store
Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • I am developing a mobile game SPACE TIME so i want to put certain obstacles in my game such as the object to shoot fire and put some effects in it so i want to get some HELP very soon as i am stuck with it since last five days i can send over my file and someone can edit it and put those effects and send me.


  • Could you explain what it is that isn't working?

  • Hey thanx for the reply i want to add new features to my game. If possible can you look into the matter edit it and send it over to me. Once you see my game you ll get a preview of what i am trying to tell you. :)

  • I can send you the .cpax file if possible

  • Ofcourse I could take a look at your capx, but before I'd love to know the answers to a few questions, so I can assist you better.

    What is it that you want to do?

    What have you tried to make that work?

    What did you expect to happen in the game?

    What does happen in the game?

    Adding features isn't really specific and adding objects and bullets and effects like you said in your first post are mostly explained in the great beginners tutorials in the tutorial section.

  • Hi

    I lend a helping hand in creating some functions. too bad that C2 does not allow multiple people to work some project.

    I don't mind help as this will me increase my skill and make friend.


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  • Well its not been long i am used to Construct 2. And i am only trying to make a game so that i could gift for his Birthday something different.

    So i am trying to develop this game and am unaware about my tools in construct 2.

    Things i want are :

    1. My page is only limited to one page and i want the game to continue as it gets stuck to one page ie limited

    2. I want my objects to shoot

    3. I want to create random generation enemies.

    4. I want explosion to happen when i fire

    Basically I am aspiring for a simple game creation. I tried two projects been a week so i require help in that particular things

  • Hello Henry!

    Thats generous of you.

    Can you send me some of your game creation so i could see the .cpax file and see how the functions work generally.

    And i can send you my file if you want to work and help me out.

    Its been a week and am stuck with these two projects simple games.

    Thanx man!

  • Is there any one to help me on this platform?

  • Most of what you are asking is explained in this:

    Ghost shooter tutorial

    Following it will help you understand Construct2 better, I recommend it.

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