Suggestion for Sprite Editor

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  • 6 posts
From the Asset Store
A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • In th Sprite Editor, it'd be nice if we could get some other primitive shapes along with the rectangle, such as triangles and circles. As well as being able to include text (which I know would get rendered int the image).

  • This would be good but actually there is no really need of it and scirra is a very small company so they should focus on increasing features.

    For image creating you can use gimp and they are free and they have much more functions

  • I would like a couple more basic shapes tools for quick prototyping. Circle & Text please!

    Would also be nice if we can change the default sprite size(project setting?), as I usually use 64x64.

  • you can make a circle using the brush tool, you just have to set the brush size

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  • you can make a circle using the brush tool, you just have to set the brush size

    It's a filled circle. If all you want is an outline, you'd have to use an eraser a couple pixles smaller and hope you can center it well.

  • This would be good but actually there is no really need of it and scirra is a very small company so they should focus on increasing features.

    For image creating you can use gimp and they are free and they have much more functions

    If that's the case, why have an editor at all. Create all your sprite artwork, regardless of how simple or complex in some other application. Because circles, triangles, and text are such intensive graphics processes, I can see why Gimp or Photoshop would be required for them.

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