Sound on apple devices

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  • So this is an odd problem, and I have no idea what to do. I published my iOS game through cocoonJS then xcode and put the exact same build on two different devices. On the ipod touch 4th generation iOS 6.1, it gets about 20-30 frames. On the iphone 5th gen iOS 6.1.2, it gets 50-60fps, with some scaling issues I'm trying to work out... The problem is, there is no sound on the iphone. Whatsoever. So is it because the iOS or the iphone? Does anyone have any clue how to address this? I've restarted the device, I know it has sound, and the speaker was the source. So what gives?

    Any ideas :(

  • I can't edit my post (I'm getting some error) but I get similar results w/ an iphone 4 w/ iOS 6.2.3

  • Did you encode .m4a versions of all your sounds?

  • I would recomend trying Ejecta for iOS and using 0plus1�s plugin:

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  • Did you encode .m4a versions of all your sounds?

    Yes, everything has a .m4a version.

    I would recomend trying Ejecta for iOS and using 0plus1?s plugin:

    I'll look into, but I can't afford to be experimenting with entirely new distribution platforms this far in, there has to be an easier way.

  • I'd suggest contacting Ludei about the issue.

  • Well, it?s really easy to use and far more compatible with ios devices than cocoonjs. Plus, no cocoonjs loading screen, gamecenter and iap integration with the plugin and you can compile your own code easily, not needing to rely on the cloud system.

    They have webgl support already working but I haven?t tested it, because my game don?t use any of them.

    Sound just worked too. ;]

  • I'd suggest contacting Ludei about the issue.

    Will do, thanks.

    Well, it?s really easy to use and far more compatible with ios devices than cocoonjs. Plus, no cocoonjs loading screen, gamecenter and iap integration with the plugin and you can compile your own code easily, not needing to rely on the cloud system.

    They have webgl support already working but I haven?t tested it, because my game don?t use any of them.

    Sound just worked too. ;]

    Doesn't it cost $100 though? I can't drop that much to resolve one issue that may be otherwise solvable...

  • Nope, it�s free and open source.

    Check it out on

  • Nope, it?s free and open source.

    Check it out on

    Cool, thanks.

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