Does the steam version of C2 is good

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  • Hi everyone. I have 2 questions:

    1 Does the steam version of "Conatuct 2 personal licence" is good?

    2 If I will buy it . Will it be Limited in time or it will be mine forever? (Sorry for the bad english )

  • I recommend purchasing the Personal License from Scirra itself because people have had problems in the past with it by purchasing it from Steam.

    Once you purchase the Personal License it is yours forever.

  • I've been using the steam version for two years without any problems. I like the convenience of steam for automatic updates and many other stuff. If you encounter any problem, try disabling the steam overlay.

  • I recommend purchasing the Personal License from Scirra itself because people have had problems in the past with it by purchasing it from Steam.

    Once you purchase the Personal License it is yours forever.


  • I've been using the steam version for two years without any problems. I like the convenience of steam for automatic updates and many other stuff. If you encounter any problem, try disabling the steam overlay.


  • The grammar fail in the thread title made my head explode.

  • The grammar fail in the thread title made my head explode.

    It happens from time-to-time, but since not everyone around the world can speak english well, try your best to help those users and ask for clarification if you don't understand something.

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  • The grammar fail in the thread title made my head explode.

    Wow so you came in this thread just to post that and not help. Your whole personality is a fail and you probably suck at Construct2 so thats why you didn't help.

  • The grammar fail in the thread title made my head explode.

    But you understood the question? Not everyone is native English speaker. As long as it is understood what's being asked, it's ok.

    If it disturbs you, at least write how it should be so OP and others can learn.

  • lol. sorry for th bad english.

  • I bought construct 2 from steam, because I get one option of payment that scirra do not have in my country.

    The problem to get from steam is that they only update the stable version of construct 2. I do not know if I can use a beta version.

  • I bought construct 2 from steam, because I get one option of payment that scirra do not have in my country.

    The problem to get from steam is that they only update the stable version of construct 2. I do not know if I can use a beta version.

    In your steam library, right click on construct 2 -> properties -> beta - select beta in combolist

    Edit: sorry for my english

  • MadSpy thanks. I did not know that I could do that.

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