buying construct 2 on steam?

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • mindfaQ, lol, how oh master?

    Seriously, how? You create to shortcut links? or something?

    I don't use steam anymore - I hate it that much, but I'm sure you will help others who do if you share your wisdom <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I've only done it once when my computer was lagging. Other than that Steam refuses to let me open multiple instances.

    Got a trick for that?

  • Browse to your steam folder, steamapps/common/construct2

    start construct2.exe there. Steam will register it as free version, but when it runs, it will be the registered version. Additionally to that you can run the Construct 2 personal from steam. This way you can at least run two instances.

    If that doesn't work, then it has something to do with symbolic links I guess, since I've made one for construct. Use the mklink command or try the steam mover for that task.

  • I had to buy it thought Steam, but I hope to not have any problems.

    I couldn't buy it through the Scirra Store. I kept getting an error that my postal code was wrong, even though it wasn't. I guess Sprite can't handle zip codes from Brazil.

    Even when I finally got my Paypal account running, it was 75% more than the price I would pay on Steam! Not worth at all. I miss the cool medal and some freedom, but it the dollar is way too high.

  • mindfaQ, lol, how oh master?

    Seriously, how? You create to shortcut links? or something?

    I don't use steam anymore - I hate it that much, but I'm sure you will help others who do if you share your wisdom <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I have no problem with just hitting launch in Steam, then doing it again. Right now I have 2 instances of C2 open and Kerbal Space Program.

  • Hi! I never tried to run it twice but it works fine for me on Steam. No crashes so far and it was 50% cheaper to get the Personal Edition.

  • I have no problem with just hitting launch in Steam, then doing it again. Right now I have 2 instances of C2 open and Kerbal Space Program.

    I've had that working like that on one computer as well, but it didn't seem to be replicatable.

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