View a comprehensive history of all the new Javascript scripting feature updates and changes Construct 3 since the first release.

9 favoris
Added effects APIs to control instance effects from script
9 favoris
Added physics APIs to control Physics behavior from script
8 favoris
Added IBehavior interface
8 favoris
Added mouse APIs getMousePosition and isMouseButtonDown
9 favoris
Added 'Physics: scripting' example project
8 favoris
Fix incorrect parsing of dynamic imports
8 favoris
No longer marks 'return' statements in script blocks/actions as invalid
8 favoris
Fix incorrect validation of destructuring declarations
8 favoris
Did not remove limits if purchased and working offline
6 favoris
New option in settings to enable automatic indentation
5 favoris
Jump to declaration for identifiers using ctrl/cmd + left click
7 favoris
Validate JSON files in the text editor
7 favoris
Additional linting checks to scripts
3 favoris
Fix Platform behavior vectorY setter not working
7 favoris
Error and warning tags were not being cleared from editor after the issue was resolved
10 favoris
Fix advanced minification changing the enumerability of some properties
11 favoris
When a piece of text is selected other instances of that phrase will be highlighted in the document
8 favoris
Drawing Canvas: methods to load a custom ImageData (see example project)
5 favoris
Add APIs to access the AudioContext and destination node from Construct's Audio object
5 favoris
Fix crash stepping Construct debugger to script action
4 favoris
Ignore unmodified "let" variable warnings when using multiple declarations in a "for" loop
4 favoris
Using the return value of increment/decrement operator didn't count as a read, and could incorrectly mark as "never read"
11 favoris
Added runtime "save" and "load" events so scripts can add own data to savegames
6 favoris
Inline script blocks in event sheets had a couple of style issues in the light and dark theme
6 favoris
Added layer getViewport() method
6 favoris
Added interface for Tile Movement behavior
5 favoris
Add Platform behavior script interface
4 favoris
Add blendMode and colorRgb properties for instances
8 favoris
Add methods to alter instance's Z order
7 favoris
Add 8 direction and Car behavior script interfaces
6 favoris
Access instance behaviors from script
3 favoris
Fix runtime.callFunction() not working in script block (note script actions still worked)
5 favoris
Specific autocomplete suggestions for certain built-ins such as 'runtime'
5 favoris
Top-level 'function' and 'var' declarations are now shown as autocompleted properties on the global object
2 favoris
Accessing or setting a property on the global object will add it to the list of global variables for autocomplete
5 favoris
Script files in the 'Files' folder will be included for project-wide autocomplete
4 favoris
Prefer autocomplete options that start with the typed section
3 favoris
Highlight typed section within each option in autocomplete list
3 favoris
Exporting projects using JavaScript code with 'Minify script' is now supported
4 favoris
Add DrawingCanvas getImagePixelData() method
4 favoris
Add IWorldInstance methods getBoundingBox(), getBoundingQuad()
4 favoris
Add IWorldInstance properties zElevation, totalZElevation