View a comprehensive history of all the new Javascript scripting feature updates and changes Construct 3 since the first release.

9 favoris
Support for autocompleting module import names
8 favoris
Runtime 'pointerup' events could fire twice when releasing mouse button
8 favoris
Update all scripting examples to use modules
8 favoris
Fix boolean instance variables not using boolean type
13 favoris
Add mesh distortion scripting APIs
12 favoris
Scene graph APIs on IWorldInstance, e.g. addChild(), getParent()
8 favoris
Add Move To behavior script interface
9 favoris
Text Input maxLength setter/getter
9 favoris
Added new 'YouTube API' scripting example
7 favoris
Layer methods cssPxToLayer() and layerToCssPx()
7 favoris
Added script interface for Slider Bar
7 favoris
Could not set Platform deceleration
8 favoris
DrawingCanvas loadImagePixelData() incorrectly flipped on Y axis
14 favoris
JSON plugin: script interface to access JSON data
9 favoris
Update editor JavaScript parser with partial ES2020 support (including nullish coalescing operator)
11 favoris
Add instance "destroy" event
9 favoris
Add object class and runtime "instancecreate" and "instancedestroy" events
9 favoris
Added ILayout and ILayer 'effects' array (for controlling effects similar to instances)
8 favoris
Allow autocomplete after 'this' and 'super' keywords
7 favoris
Sprite: getPolyPointCount(), getPolyPointX(), getPolyPointY(), getPolyPoint() methods
7 favoris
Sprite: getImagePointCount() and getImagePoint() methods
7 favoris
Physics: getContactCount(), getContactX(), getContactY(), getContact() methods
6 favoris
Fix crash autocompleting localVars inside a function block
9 favoris
New 'Fetching project files' scripting example
11 favoris
New 'Web Workers' scripting example
10 favoris
Events "save", "load", "beforeprojectstart", "afterprojectstart", "beforelayoutstart" and "afterlayoutstart" can now use async handler functions
7 favoris
runtime.isInWorker property to indicate 'Use worker' mode (in Web Worker)
7 favoris
runtime.alert() method, which forwards call in worker mode
6 favoris
Global alert() method added in worker mode to help beginners, which forwards call
16 favoris
Add runtime 'getInstanceByUid' method