ISDKBehaviorInstanceBase addon SDK interface

The ISDKBehaviorInstanceBase interface is used as a runtime base class for behavior instances in the addon SDK. It derives from IBehaviorInstance.

ISDKBehaviorInstanceBase APIs

Optional override called after the associated object instance has finished being created. This can be useful since the behavior instance constructor is called during instance creation, so the final state is not ready yet.
Optional override for when the corresponding instance is released. Clean up any other resources that need releasing in this method. It must also call super._release() to release all engine resources.
Call this in the constructor to get an array of the behavior instance's properties.
Fire a trigger condition. The condition must be declared as a trigger in aces.json. Pass a full reference to the condition method, e.g. this._trigger(C3.Behaviors.MyBehavior.Cnds.MyTrigger).
Utility methods to start or stop the runtime calling the _tick(). _tick2() or _postTick() methods of your behavior instance every tick, and also to check whether ticking is active. It is recommended to stop ticking whenever the tick method is no longer needed to reduce the performance overhead of ticking. Redundant calls to start or stop ticking are ignored. The first call always takes effect (i.e. calls do not stack - if you make 3 calls to start ticking then 1 call to stop ticking, ticking is stopped).
Optional override that is called every tick just before events are run after _setTicking(true) has been called.
Optional override that is called every tick just after events are run after _setTicking2(true) has been called.
Optional override that is called every tick just after all other behaviors have had their _tick() methods called. This allows behaviors to observe the state applied by other behavior's ticking. Note you should use _tick() rather than _postTick() where possible, since it is not possible to reliably observe the state applied by other behavior's post-ticking.
Override to return properties to display in the debugger. For more information see runtime scripts.
Optional override to return a JSON object that represents the state of the behavior instance for savegames.
Optional override accepting a JSON object returned by a prior call to _saveToJson() that represents the state of a behavior instance to load, for savegames.
Construct 3 Manual 2024-05-15