Voir un historique complet de toutes les mises à jour du SDK dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

6 favoris
Can no longer install a developer addon with same ID as existing addon
3 favoris
Added SetUsesJquery() to bring in jQuery dependency, but note we recommend removing jQuery from addons (also see youmightnotneedjquery.com)
3 favoris
Added a new "info" property type to display read-only values
7 favoris
Fix external-css dependencies not being loaded in preview mode
7 favoris
Installed addons can now load translated language files if provided
6 favoris
Allow any color CSS string to be passed to IWebGLText.SetColor()
5 favoris
Fix crash in IWebGLText.SetItalic()
14 favoris
New APIs for text rendering in the editor
13 favoris
Initial version of custom importer API
3 favoris
Fixed installing developer addons (regression since r68)
6 favoris
Added support for color properties
6 favoris
Added Set/GetPropertyValue() methods
11 favoris
Support for drawing plugins, including with editable images
6 favoris
First implementation of APIs for drawing plugins
3 favoris
Safe mode no longer tries to load addon language files, allowing addons with broken language files to be removed
4 favoris
Can no longer install addons with the same addon ID as a built-in addon
3 favoris
Support for remote dependency scripts
3 favoris
Better error message if developer mode addon is missing 'file-list' key
3 favoris
Errors installing .c3addons are now logged to the browser console to help identify the problem
2 favoris
Added support for effect addons
2 favoris
Plugin and behavior addons can now specify file and Cordova plugin dependencies
2 favoris
Loading in safe mode now no longer attempts to load aces.json, avoiding errors due to invalid JSON
2 favoris
New Safe Mode for addon development. If you accidentally make an addon that crashes C3 on startup, add ?safe-mode to the URL. You can then uninstall it from the Addon Manager.