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Intel AGI

The Intel® AGI plugin provides integration with the Intel® App Game Interfaces (AGI) platform. For more information see the tutorial How to export to the Intel AGI.

Intel AGI conditions

Is in Intel AGI
True if the game is running inside Intel AGI. It will be false if running anywhere else, e.g. on the open web.
Caching enabled
(For advanced users) True if Intel AGI's caching service has been enabled.
Compare initial orientation
Test if the orientation of the device at startup was a particular orientation.
Compare orientation
Test if the current orientation of the device is a particular orientation.
Push enabled
(For advanced users) True if Intel AGI's push notifications service is enabled.
Streaming enabled
(For advanced users) True if Intel AGI's streaming service is enabled.
Updates enabled
True if Intel AGI's cloud update service is enabled.
On 'back' button pressed
Triggers when the device's 'back' button is pressed, if it has one. Note some devices (e.g. iOS) do not have back buttons. Before this trigger will run, you must have added a virtual page using the Add virtual page action.
On barcode scanned
Triggered when the device successfully scans a barcode.
On remote data
Triggered when data is received from the Get remote data action.
On remote site closed
Triggered when a pop-over browser showing remote content is closed by the user. It is opened by the Show remote site action.

Intel AGI actions

Log event
Log a named event for Intel AGI's analytics service. Parameters can be provided in URL format, e.g. foo=bar&baz=ban.
Add to media cache
Download a media file from the Internet and store it on the local device storage, allowing it to be used offline in future.
Clear all cookies
Remove all cookies saved with the Set cookie action from the device. (The user's browser cookies are not affected.)
Clear media cache
Delete all media files downloaded with Add to media cache.
Remove cookie
Remove a cookie set with the Set cookie action. (The user's browser cookies are not affected.)
Remove from media cache
Remove a file added with Add to media cache.
Set cookie
Set a cookie on the device. This is a substitute for local storage. The user's browser is not affected; storage is for the convenience of the app only.
Close remote site
Close a remote site being displayed with the Show remote site action.
Get remote data
Make a background AJAX request using Intel AGI's service. The On remote data trigger will fire when completed.
Install update
Install a pending update if one is ready.
Launch external site
Open a URL in the user's default browser on the device. The user will leave the app, unlike the Show remote site action.
Scan barcode
Open a fullscreen QR code reader. On barcode scanned will trigger on a successful scan.
Set auto-rotate
Prevent the device from automatically rotating the display when the device changes orientation. This can force a specific orientation when used with Set orientation.
Show remote site
Show a remote URL in an in-app browser. The user does not leave the app. The user can press a close button to return to the app, unlike the Launch external site action.
Update connection
Check whether the device's connection type has changed (e.g. 3G, Wifi, etc).
Add virtual page
Use when opening a new screen you want to be able to close with the 'back' button. The next time the back button is pressed after this action will prevent the device default action and trigger On 'back' button pressed.
Remove virtual page
Remove a previously added virtual page, e.g. if cancelling a screen.

Intel AGI expressions

Return the data stored by a Set cookie action.
Get the local path for a media file cached from the Internet via the Add to media cache action.
Return the current version of the Intel XDK wrapper software. Note this uses the old "AppMobi" name for backwards compatibility reasons.
Return the data scanned from a barcode. This is only available in On barcode scanned after calling the Scan barcode action.
The type of the best connection available to the device: either "wifi", "cell" or "none".
The model name of the device.
The OS version information for the device.
"iOS" or "Android" depending on the current platform.
Returns any query string passed along to the application when launched with a protocol handler.
The data returned from Get remote data after On remote data triggers.
One of "open", "closed" or "idle".
Return the device's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is a code uniquely identifying the specific device.
The device orientation upon startup, as a number of degrees (0, -90, 90 or 180).
The current device orientation, as a number of degrees (0, -90, 90 or 180).
Construct 2 Manual 2020-06-09