HTML Element script interface

The IHTMLElementInstance interface derives from IDOMInstance to add APIs specific to the HTML Element plugin.

In DOM mode the HTML Element can be accessed with standard DOM APIs using the getElement() method of IDOMInstance. However these methods can all still be used in worker mode. Most of the methods are asynchronous as in this case updates are managed by posting messages between the worker and the DOM.

HTML Element events

See instance event for standard instance event object properties.

Fired when any part of the HTML Element or its content is clicked. This event fires repeatedly for the target element followed by all parent elements up to the main HTML element, simulating event bubbling. The event object has two additional properties targetId and targetClass that can be used to identify the element clicked.
Fired when any CSS animation inside the HTML element finishes (based on the DOM event of the same name, but note this event is dispatched by Construct and not the DOM). The event object has three additional properties: targetId and targetClass, which can be used to identify the element whose animation ended, and animationName which identifies the name of the CSS animation that ended (as defined by the @keyframes rule).

HTML Element APIs

async setContent(str, type = "html", selector = "", isAll = false)
Replaces some content inside the HTML element with the given string str. The string is interpreted according to type which must be one of "html", "bbcode" or "text". The location to replace content is specified by a CSS selector string. This can be left blank to replace the content of the entire main HTML element. The isAll flag will update all elements matching the selector if set, otherwise only the first matching element is updated.
async insertContent(str, type = "html", atEnd = true, selector = "", isAll = false)
Insert the string of content str inside the HTML element. The string is interpreted according to type which must be one of "html", "bbcode" or "text". The location to insert content is specified by a CSS selector string. This can be left blank to insert the content to the main HTML element. The atEnd flag inserts content at the end if true, or the beginning if false. The isAll flag will update all elements matching the selector if set, otherwise only the first matching element is updated.
async setContentClass(mode, classArr, selector, isAll = false)
Adds, toggles or removes element classes according to mode, which must be one of "add", "toggle" or "remove". The classes to modify are given as an array of strings in classArr. The location to change is specified by a CSS selector string. This can be left blank to change the classes of the main HTML element. The isAll flag will update all elements matching the selector if set, otherwise only the first matching element is updated.
async setContentAttribute(mode, attrib, value, selector, isAll = false)
Adds or removes element attributes according to mode, which must be one of "set" or "remove". The string of the attribute name to modify is specified by attrib, and its value as a string of value (ignored if removing the attribute). The location to change is specified by a CSS selector string. This can be left blank to change the attributes of the main HTML element. The isAll flag will update all elements matching the selector if set, otherwise only the first matching element is updated.
async setContentCssStyle(propName, value, selector, isAll)
Sets an element's style . The string of the CSS property name to modify is specified by propName, which may use either CSS naming (e.g. "font-size") or JavaScript naming (e.g. "fontSize"). The value to set for this property is given by a string of value; set an empty string to revert the style to default. The location to change is specified by a CSS selector string. This can be left blank to change the style of the main HTML element. The isAll flag will update all elements matching the selector if set, otherwise only the first matching element is updated.
async setScrollPosition(selector, direction, position)
Set the horizontal or vertical scroll position of an element. The HTML element to scroll is given by the CSS selector string selector, which can be set to an empty string to scroll the main HTML element. This action only scrolls one element matching the selector. direction must be set to either "left" to set the scroll left (horizontal) position or "top" to set the scroll top (vertical) position. The position value is the scroll position to set in CSS pixels.
A string of the complete inner HTML of the main HTML element. This can also be assigned to change the full content of the HTML element.
A string of the complete inner text of the main HTML element, in plain text form (with no HTML tags). This can also be assigned to change the full text content of the HTML element.
async createSpriteImgElement(spriteInst, selector, insertAt, id, class_)
Creates an <img> element with the content of a given ISpriteInstance's current image, and inserts it to the HTML element. The location to insert is specified by a CSS selector string. The insertAt parameter must be a string of one of "start", "end" or "replace" indicating how to insert the image element. The id and class_ parameters are optional strings to set an ID or class for the inserted image element, which helps make it easy to style the inserted image with CSS.
async positionInstanceAtElement(worldInst, selector)
Sets the position and size of a given IWorldInstance to match the position and size of a specific HTML element given by a CSS selector string.
Construct Animate Manual 2023-01-25