Sharing projects

The easiest and quickest way to share your project so someone else can run it is using Remote Preview Paid plans only. For more information see Testing projects.

If you want people to play your finished project, you should Export it. This produces a playable game ready for publishing. See the section on publishing projects.

Share a project file

You can also save as a single file, or use the Download a copy option, to get a single .c3p file representing your entire project. Then you can share that file using other tools and services, such as by attaching it to an email, or uploading it to a storage service.

Shared folders in cloud save

If you want to share your Construct 3 project itself, shared folders that you have access to also appear in Cloud Save when using Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. This can be useful for conveniently sharing your project files. For example in a classroom, all the students could save their work to a shared folder that the teacher has access to. Then the teacher has an easy way to access all the student's work.

All cloud save services also provide their own sharing options via their websites, e.g. for sharing a file on your account with someone else.

Sharing with subscription administrator

For education accounts, there is also a Share with admin option that appears in the Project menu. This only appears for two kinds of accounts:

  • When using access codes
  • When using an account created for a seat as part of an education subscription

In both cases, choosing Share with admin will upload the project to a server operated by Scirra. It will then be made available to the administrator who created the access code or seat account. The administrator can find it by visiting the Your subscriptions section of their account, and clicking the N shared projects link next to the relevant education subscription (e.g. 10 shared projects if ten projects had been uploaded this way).

This approach is pseudonymous - only the access code or account username, plus the student-entered filename, are provided. Further the project files are automatically deleted after a couple of days. Therefore no information is permanently stored when using this option.

Construct Animate Manual 2020-11-16